The Brown Shrike

The Brown Shrike (Lanius cristatus) is available mainly in Parts of asia. It features a exclusive black pirate like strip through the eyes. It is mostly seen in open environments, where it sits over thorny bushes in search of victim.

Brown Shrike


Scientific classification

Kingdom:    Animalia
Phylum:      Chordata
Class:            Aves
Order:          Passeriformes
Family:        Laniidae
Genus:          Lanius
Species:        L. cristatus


This particular Brown Shrike is especially brown around the upper parts of its body and the tail is actually rounded. The underside of its body is creamy with rufous flanks and tummy. The wings are brown. Females have got scalloping on the underside and the mask is dark brown and not too noticeable like the male.

The Brown Shrike is a migratory bird and they have a high loyalty for their wintering sites, returning to same areas each winter. The time of their migration is very typical, as it marks the start of winter season in India (September – October), and they depart by (March – April), which also marks the departure of winter from India.

Brown Shrike


The generally reproduce in late May or June and they breed mostly in taiga, where these people build a nwar inside a sapling or a bush, laying 2-5 eggs. They eat insects, especially lepidoptera. Similar to various other shrikes, they impale prey on thorns. At times, they also attack Small chickens and lizards as well.

The Common Tailorbird

The Common Tailorbird (Orthotomus sutorius) is a chirpy songbird and is found across tropical Asia. They have a greenish upper body plumage, long upright tail and the rust coloured forehead and crown. This bird is typically found in open farmland, forests and gardens. Tailorbirds obtain their identity in the way their nest is built. The perimeters of a large leaf are generally pierced and attached together with plant fibre or spider silk to produce a support in which the true home is built.

Common Tailorbird


Scientific classification

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum:   Chordata
Class:        Aves
Order:      Passeriformes
Family:    Cisticolidae
Genus:      Orthotomus
Species:   O. sutorius


The Common Tailorbird is a brightly shaded bird, along with bright green upperparts and creamy colored underparts. Their size varies from 10–14 centimetres (3.9–5.5 in) and weigh 6–10 grams (0.21–0.35 oz). They have short rounded wings, a long tail, strong legs and a sharp bill with curved tip to the upper mandible.

Common Tailorbird

Common Tailorbird


Like most warblers, the common Tailorbirds are insectivorous. Their song is a noisy cheeup-cheeup-cheeup together with different versions across the populations.

Tailorbirds are found in single or in pairs, in trees sometimes hopping on the ground. They forage for insets and have been known to feed on a range of beetles and bugs. They are attracted to insects at flowers.

The Golden Oriole

The Golden Oriole is the member of the oriole family of passerine birds breeding in northern hemisphere temperate regions. The Latin name is Oriolus oriolus, it belongs to the Orioles (Oriolidae) family.

Golden Oriole


Scientific classification

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum:   Chordata
Class:        Aves
Order:      Passeriformes
Family:    Oriolidae
Genus:      Oriolus
Species:   O. oriolus


The male Golden Oriole is a bright yellow body with black wings, it can be heard, most often at dawn .The female of the species is more dull-looking being slightly greener in colour. Both however, are hard to spot in the canopy as they are perfectly camouflaged amongst the leaves. Oriolus oriolus are often mistaken for Thrushes and even green Woodpeckers when in flight.

The Golden Oriole is predominantly found throughout Europe and western Asia but also in parts of Africa. The summer migrant Golden Oriole travels to north for the cooler summer climates, and flies back south to the tropics when the winter begins to emerge. The Golden Oriole is found in well-timbered forests and woodland, along with parks, orchards and gardens.

Female Golden Oriole


The Oriolus oriolus is an omnivorous animal that primarily feeds on insects, fruits and seeds high up in the tree canopy. Golden Oriole’s thick curved beak is the perfect shape for picking Insects out of holes and plucking fruits off the branches. Its wide, clawed feet which assist the Bird in holding onto the more tricky branches when it is trying to gather food. Golden Oriole play’s a vital role in re-distributing the seeds from the fruits, throughout their native eco-systems.